360 Imagery Tool

What is it?

To obtain a comprehensive view of the data, drone flights are often conducted over the research area. However, this is not the only method to visualize the research area. Another approach involves using a 360-degree camera to drive through the research area, capturing images from every angle. This is frequently done when examining changes in a neighborhood. The 360 Imagery tool is the equivalent of Van Oord's street view. It provides a 360-degree view of the environment, allowing users to get a realistic impression of the streets, buildings, and natural elements.

Applications in Project Management

The 360-degree view offers a realistic impression of the environment. In a project, this can provide a good look at the natural elements, streets, and buildings in the project area. The 360 Imagery tool also offers other advantages in projects:


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Spatial Analysis for Planning Purposes

For urban development, urban planning, and real estate projects, Street View provides a valuable resource for spatial analysis. It enables planners to explore the existing environment and assess the impact of new developments.

Location Visualization

Street View enables businesses to visually showcase their physical locations in an appealing manner. This is particularly useful for retail, hospitality, and real estate, where potential customers can navigate through the neighborhood virtually and get a sense of the surroundings.

Logistic Planning

Companies reliant on logistics and distribution can utilize Street View to assess the accessibility of various locations. It aids in planning efficient routes and identifying any constraints in the environment.

360 Imagery within Van Oord

While there is no specific information available about Van Oord's use of Google Street View, a company specializing in maritime and hydraulic engineering projects, we can reasonably assume that the company, like many other organizations, could have various applications for this technology. Here are some possible ways Van Oord might use Street View:

  1. Project Evaluation: Van Oord may use Street View to virtually explore project locations and assess the terrain conditions. This is useful for mapping waterways, coastlines, and ports before embarking on maritime projects.
  2. Safety Inspections: For conducting safety inspections, Street View can be used to create virtual tours of maritime installations and work areas. This can help identify potential safety risks and plan appropriate safety measures.
  3. Customer Interaction: Van Oord can integrate Street View into its online presence to offer customers a virtual tour of completed projects or project areas. This enhances customer interaction and provides stakeholders with a detailed view of the work carried out.
  4. Analyzing Local Conditions: When planning maritime projects, Van Oord can use Street View to analyze local conditions, such as the proximity of villages, the state of infrastructure, and the overall topography.
  5. Project Presentations and Reporting: Street View images can be incorporated into project presentations and reports to provide stakeholders with a visual context. It can be helpful in communicating project progress, potential challenges, and solutions.
  6. Training and Orientation: In onboarding new staff, Street View can be used to create virtual orientation sessions. This helps employees become familiar with the layout of project locations and safety procedures.

Finally, there is often an assessment of the project's impact. It is almost inevitable that there will be some damage to the immediate surroundings after a project. Sometimes, people may complain because there is damage to their properties. This is where the 360-degree tool comes in handy. Before the project, images of the project area are captured, and also after the project to visually demonstrate the changes. With the images taken before the project, people can easily see whether the damage was indeed caused by the project or if it already existed.

Additional Information

These sources provide insights into both the basic functionalities and more advanced applications of Horus. Whether you want to use Horus for navigation, exploration, or specific applications in business or non-profit contexts, these websites offer valuable information.


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